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“Time-out!” Sometimes this phrase is used as a form of discipline, and other times it is a moment of reconnection. No matter how hard they try, parents often forget to take the time to relax and recharge, especially moms. They juggle a million jobs and activities while not having time to be still and reflect on the things they love. All of those after-school activities, appointments, and family commitments can take up more time than we can get back. 

That’s when mommy needs a “time-out”.

As a wife and mother of two young children, trying to find the time for a “time-out” seems impossible.  I personally try to put myself in “time-out” whenever and wherever I can.  Not because I don’t love or enjoy being a wife and mother — it is quite the opposite.  I enjoy it so much I lose myself in it and I stop enjoying being me.

If you’re looking for a way to take time out, I have some ideas that may be just what you need. I’m going to tell you 5 ways to take a well-deserved “time out” as a couple, with girlfriends, and by yourself. These have all benefitted my family and will likely benefit you and your family, too!

mommy's time out, date night ideas, why date nights are important, mom's night out, mom friendships, the benefits of date nights, best friend trips for moms, why friendships are important for moms, me time for moms, date ideas, at home date night ideas, date ideas for couples, couples activities

Mommy’s “Time-Out” as a Couple

My first piece of advice is to have quality alone time with your spouse. Getting out and doing something together away from your house and kids may be the perfect thing to kickstart some romance.

Spend some quality time with them on a date night or a couple’s trip. These two ways to take a “time-out” go together like mac and cheese — which by the way is the only thing I think my daughter will eat these days.  

There are several reasons (or more like excuses) on why not to take a date night or a couples trip: work, money, arranging a sitter — I could keep going on but you get the gist. 

However, taking a “time-out” for each other is crucial for a happy and loving relationship.  According to The Couples Center, date nights keep communication open, increase intimacy, and lower stress.  I personally find these to be true.

You will always have excuses — and that is exactly what they are excuses — but trust me the numerous benefits are worth taking a “time-out” together.

Idea #1: Date Night

This one might be obvious but it’s a biggie. It’s important to make time for your spouse. The kids are at home with a sitter, or at Grandma’s, or at a babysitter’s. Now you have no excuse not to have a date night. You can either go out or stay in. 

It’s your time to reconnect with your spouse and share your goals, hopes, dreams without interruption.

According to the article, 5 Less-Known Reasons Why Date Night Is Important,  there are five reasons to have a night out — or what I call a “time-out” — with your significant other.

1. You’ll each be happier
2. You’ll be investing in divorce-proofing your marriage
3. Your sex life will be better
4. Women have increased satisfaction in their marriage
5. Your children will have a better childhood

The Couples Center

Taking a “time-out” for just the two of you will make you happier, better parents, your sex life will be amazing,  and will lower your chances of the relationship ending in divorce.  These sound like fantastic reasons to take time away for just the two of you!

Idea #2: Couples Trip

I’ll be honest my husband and I don’t go out on very many date nights.  But we do take a trip — just the two of us — at least once a year for a few days. 

We take the time to relax, reconnect and enjoy each other’s company.  We come home relaxed, refreshed, and ready to be a better couple and even better parents to our two children.

With a family and a job, I need to plan in advance. Juggling everything that comes with planning a trip, I was up for the challenge. Our couples trip gave us both a time to get away from our family life and have a different experience. 

The beauty of planning your trip is that you have something to look forward to when your family has tired you out so many days in a row.

mommy's time out, date night ideas, why date nights are important, mom's night out, mom friendships, the benefits of date nights, best friend trips for moms, why friendships are important for moms, me time for moms, date ideas, at home date night ideas, date ideas for couples, couples activities

Mommy’s “Time-Out” with Girlfriends

Investing in your friendships is also important for a mom’s sanity. Spend time with other women, they are a huge blessing in my life and help me relax and release my “mom-self. Below are two ideas for a time out with your girlfriends.

Idea #3: Best Friend “Date”

When someone can take the kids for just a couple of hours it gives mom a chance to get out of the house to have a moment with her friends. Go out for a girls’ night or just spend a couple of hours doing something as simple as sitting and drinking some coffee or grabbing lunch. I promise it’ll be fun and refreshing!

Idea # 4: “Ladies-Only” Trip

Instead of a night on the town, why not take a mom’s trip with your girlfriends? Whether it is a weekend getaway or staying in a hotel and taking in an awesome dinner, this is extremely helpful and allows me to be away from my kids for a bit and have fun. 

Once a year my best friend and I go away and leave our husband’s home with the kids.  We are only gone for a night or two, but these trips relax us and strengthen an even stronger friendship. We always make memories together that we can look back on and enjoy.

A best friend trip not only benefits you but your romantic relationship too.

It is amazing what a couple of days home alone with the kids can do to make your husband realize not only what you do for him, but how much you do for the family as a whole.  When I get back home, I feel more appreciated and less taken for granted.  Trust me, and plan a “time-out” with your girlfriends.  You, your marriage, and your children will all benefit.

mommy's time out, date night ideas, why date nights are important, mom's night out, mom friendships, the benefits of date nights, best friend trips for moms, why friendships are important for moms, me time for moms, date ideas, at home date night ideas, date ideas for couples, couples activities

Mommy’s “Time-Out” by Yourself

Idea #5: “Me-Time”

As moms, we are constantly caring for others but we need time to take care of ourselves. I believe that is why it is so important that a mom take a “Mommy’s time-out” and reset after being in constant “mom-mode” all the time. 

Below are some things you can do in order to have a sanity break from the kids and enjoy some well-deserved “me time”:

I suggest some time with yourself and your thoughts.  I take a walk on my treadmill, meditate, do yoga, listen to music or a podcast or even a word find puzzle.  Allow yourself “me-time” to indulge in Netflix, or some other social media website, or go shopping or simply go in your room and close the door and talk to your best friend. Talk about your day, your week, or your feelings. These are activities I enjoy and just closing a door to my bedroom and zoning out does wonders for my mood.

I’ve experienced where I’m in a horrible mood it rubs off on the other family members.  Then everyone is in a foul mood.  Better to remove yourself and improve your mood instead of altering everyone else’s for the worst. 

So, next time you feel like you’re going to lose your mind, tell your husband “I’m taking a time-out” and go to a quiet place in your home, be it a room or your yard, and zone out away from everyone. We all need space to put away all the “mommy-stuff” that gets in the way of our creativity and brainstorming. Soon you’ll feel relaxed and find yourself becoming a happier you.

And most importantly, don’t guilt yourself over taking some much deserved “me time”. Your spouse and children are well-cared for and they need mommy to be relaxed and refreshed so she can be her best self. Take an hour away just for you. Self-care isn’t selfish!

mommy's time out, date night ideas, why date nights are important, mom's night out, mom friendships, the benefits of date nights, best friend trips for moms, why friendships are important for moms, me time for moms, date ideas, at home date night ideas, date ideas for couples, couples activities

Mommy Deserves a “Time-Out”

Whether you’re taking time out as a couple, with friends, or by yourself, having a break is essential. You’ll feel closer to your partner, strengthen your friendships, and regain your identity outside of being a mother. Your kids will benefit from having a happier, less-stressed mom too. 

You’ll be reenergized and able to continue being the amazing mother you already are. 

How do you take “Time Out” to have a break and spend quality time with your partner? Let us know in the comments below! If you need some additional ideas, be sure to check out  5 Less-Known Reasons Why Date Night Is ImportantThe Couples Center is an excellent resource for all things regarding relationships!

mommy's time out, date night ideas, why date nights are important, mom's night out, mom friendships, the benefits of date nights, best friend trips for moms, why friendships are important for moms, me time for moms, date ideas, at home date night ideas, date ideas for couples, couples activities

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